Monday, June 29, 2015

About poef -by poefen

The Dutch word poef means pouf, and the exact same context and content apply to the word in both English and Dutch. It is a keyword fraught with meaning, usefulness, and other various good qualities By the fact that poef means pouf, this should inform many decisions you make online with specific reference to the various purchases you can make and do on the subject Knowing that poef means pouf also infers your own superior knowledge of the Dutch language, which is important to know given the importance of Rotterdam as a trading port in the European context Having the wherewithal to know native languages, and certain word intelligence, like understanding that poef means pouf, is important in the context of buying and selling, especially if you are in the furniture business, or some other similar enterprise. The business acumen required for the furniture industry is beyond discernible belief. Holding a page informing you that poef means pouf is a powerful tool to learning the true meaning of meaningless information repeatedly regurgitated for my own secret purpose, and you can only dream, and wonder, and no doubt cry a little at the dastardly intention of the words you currently peruse. Writing out that poef means pouf could be your only path to business success in the future. It could. I really mean that. Why don’t you believe me? I doubt whether it could change any of your other maligned and difficult traits, such as your penchant for picking your nose when nobody else is looking, but sure nobody is perfect, and we do not want to hear of any one claiming that they are such, when it is perfectly plausibly obvious that that is not the case in any context or in any damnable walk of life. If you wish to visit Holland, knowing that poef means pouf will be a useless piece of knowledge that will hold you in great stead, not merely good stead, which is far more likely to invoke the ire of the engines that do scan wildly for inaccuracies here. Get this – I doubt that these words in this formulation have appeared ever, nor do I expect my sheer greatness to impede anyone finding such Poef means pouf. It has been the one linked point of this entire diatribe. I assume these weird combinations of unnatural spelling and grammar nuances have intrigued you. Farewell, soldier.

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